Ferdinand Boutard lives and works in Paris and in Finistere. He attended various art schools before choosing to focus on animated film (
pour la petite histoire...) at the animation school les Gobelins. After his studies, his career path led him to work (
octopussies) on several full-length and short films, among which four personal productions (
latrodectus hasselti). In 2011, he decided to answer what he knew to be his true calling and become a painter. Pencil to computer, acrylic to oil (
catfights), Ferdinand has experimented with a broad spectrum of media (
miscellaneous). These artistic ambulations inform a vision that has managed to evolve while remaining true to itself (
le petit chaperon rouge). Painting has provided Ferdinand with the challenge of a lifetime (
the way back). A fervent admirer of Caravage, Velazquez, Vermeer, Schiele and Rockwell among others (
instagram), Ferdinand aims to revive (
curriculum vitae) a certain kind of classicism (
e-mail), in a way that (
biographie) reconciles rigor with humor.
"inspiration is an excuse" - E. Hemingway